
the mechanized hum of another world
information & shop


blueprints digital collage art
carbon copy ms paint art
machine short painted comic
art online complete archive of ms paint art
Lucille a short story. (last update: September 2022)
Interlude Webcomic (abandoned) from April 2021


BRAT there's no difference between a pretty girl and an ugly one
SANCTIFIED it has been four weeks since my last confession
ACTRESS time's arrow has punctured your heart and i will pull it out
THE LAST NIGHT OF THE FAIR only two people know this motion
THE GAP bristles between the crack grow and blow away
PRESSURE AND RELEASE lower your eyes and you will be there
PROPS there's no difference between us
NO BODY the answer is in that


coming soon.

how to live forever (autoplay)
minibook of poetry / art


buy me a coffee