pulled from the office drawer to ear
molded by pressure around frame
hair pulls head under back
i wish you made me endless
i wish you made me loved
twitter says it’s this building. intercom moves from windows,
it’s easy to know where they’re coming from.
grass to spread knees on the shift beneath.
equal level on the hill contacted with a single eye,
aware with breath on her back.
full strokes, motion splayed on gravel.
you should know it's only a spasm.
there's no difference between us.
not really.
by the middle of july it spills from red sequined white fur,
mottled with sweat. her knees grind the crack of tile
smash mouth christmas song plays by minute.
on first count, glove crushes ribs
in the hallway, the corrector molds the outline in flats
this is a woman’s form. born to feed
she carves her arrangement
my wet hands sting the faded iron
wait for someone to smell it on me again
you, scrubbed the same as anyone
from the curve of your hand
all you wanted was white
i was the one who watched
from the slats, i’m the one.
when it’s over, i’ll make the call.
women take their toll.
bleed until good as dead.
there are no answers,
no questions from me.
i replay the video and
think of your cheeks,
flushed cheeks.